Scott and Lori circa 2000 on the porch of their first duplex with their newborn twins

  • Stretching pennies

  • Rarely seeing the inside of a restaurant

  • Having too much month left at the end of the money

  • Wondering how to save enough for retirement

But God provided a way…

For a long time, our life consisted of those problems above which created a heavy load for our family. We would put our heads down, work hard, pray, and hope something would eventually change.

As our family grew, we longed to live in a house of our own. We found house shopping with our budget to be a very discouraging enterprise. We visited some family friends who owned a duplex that was far nicer than all the homes we had toured opened my eyes to a new opportunity. They lived on one side and rented the other.

We scraped together a down payment merely to provide a home for our family in 1997 and therein bought our first rental property. We fixed it up, learned to write a lease, took late-night maintenance calls, and slowly learned what it took to be a good landlord. Three years later, we were able to buy another duplex and managed those four units as a side hustle that kept our family’s head above water.

Everything changed for me in 2017 when I was introduced to The Real Estate Guys and the principles of Robert Kiyosaki. I already had a solid biblical financial foundation of avoiding consumer debt, spending less than you earn, giving first, and being content. What I was learning about the power that is built into the real estate system connected with what I had learned during 20 years of managing our properties. We found that by tapping into all of these principles with an educated plan, we could produce solid and sustainable results.

We began actively pursuing real estate investing education. Since then, I (Scott) have completed over 2,000 hours of real estate investing education through podcasts, virtual training, and in-person conferences and meet-ups. We now own property in five states and have seen an encouraging bump in our monthly cash flow and our nest egg.

Now, one of our greatest joys is opening the door to financial and time freedom for others. We love helping new investors, especially community servants get started. We also love providing added tax benefits and maximized returns to friends who are experienced investors. When these two types of investors work together, everybody wins!

Common Grace Capital is the natural result of our passions, experience, education, and connections all coming together.

We would love to meet you and let our strengths work for you!

The Apostle Paul told one of his churches to “do good to all.” That’s our goal at Common Grace Capital. We are a syndication company that seeks to:

  • Equip Investors

  • Establish Dignity

  • Eliminate Fear

  • Elevate Housing

  • Explode Generosity

  • Encourage Rest

  • Emancipate Time Schedules

  • Enable Retirement

  • Enrich Relationships